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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14


Travel Smart with Mundy

Welcome to our Travel page!


Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.


The scheme encourages schools right across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel and in so doing, improve the health and well-being of children and young people.


Every school in England can participate in Modeshift STARS for free. On completion of an application for Modeshift STARS, schools will automatically have a brand new national standard School Travel Plan.


Car Sharing 


Wherever possible we encourage sustainable and active travel to school. Consider alternative models of travel for example car and stride (parking further away from school and walking), Car sharing – can you offer another child a lift to and from school, scooter and bike (ask in school for where these can be left)


How to get to our school.

How we are moving!


We have been thinking a lot about how we travel to Mundy Junior School.


We take  part in Travel Smart Week in May and October, watch out for the leaflets!

So why not persuade mum’s, dad’s grandparents and who ever picks you up from school to dig out those walking shoes and walk to school!


Mundy Junior School is a Scooter Smart School. We have dedicated scooter parking and we have training sessions for our year 3/4’s.


Below are lots of links to different pages with lots of information. If you need to know anything else please get in touch with the school office.


Find about free cycle training for adults. Click on the logo.


Look how we did! Such a great event.