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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Home Learning - Reading, Spellings and Times Tables

Our Home Learning:


Check out the 'Home Learning Activities' for this half-term in your Home Learning Book & remember all your logins, usernames and passwords are stuck in the book!


There are weekly tasks (reading, spellings and timestable practise) plus a range of Maths, English and Topic based activities to choose from each half-term.


Year 5 & 6 have Maths and English Mirodo activities allocated to them each week.


Year 3 & 4 need to complete at least 2 English, 2 Maths and 1 Topic activity from the Home Learning lists for Summer 2 - the other activities are optional, but may be useful and fun to do!


On the Mundy CofE Junior School home learning webpage you can access the Year 3 & 4 /or/ Year 5 & 6 Home Learning Zones (at the bottom of this webpage) to look at any resources, find out further details and access weblinks that you need to complete your home learning activities. There is also a PARENTS ONLY page (with answers for the Year 3 & 4 activities!)


All activities need to be written in your Home Learning Book. 


We appreciate that you all lead busy lives and have tried to make the home learning purposeful, manageable and flexible. Please can we ask that your child's Home Learning books is handed in during the last week of each half-term (you don't need to hand it in each week). 


Weekly Tasks:



Your current 'set' of 5 spelling words from your 'Super Spelling' booklet, which will be tested through the week.



Each time an adult listens to you read, please record this on your Booklog Bookmark and tick your home learning sheet. All reading can be recorded not just your school reading book.

Check out all the eBooks on the Activelearn website (and visit your Home page = books = games = rewards = YOUR Tree House plus Maths games!): ActiveLearn: Login (


Times Tables: 

Times tables will be taught in school and should also be practiced at home. Remember you can use the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) website to practice. Website: Times Tables Rock Stars ( There is now a NEW TTRS Parent page with lots of information.


Click above (at the top of this webpage) to find out more about spellings, reading and timetables.