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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Useful Links



Over the next term Year 5 and 6 pupils will be covering Relationships and Sex Education - please take time to read our policy and if you need further information or wish discuss this topic please contact the school.  RSE POLICY . To help you navigate the RSE landscape we also have some useful links on our website (Useful Links | Mundy CofE Junior School) alongside The Family Planning Association Parents Guide to Relationships & Sex Education in Primary School

Yasmine and Tom and Mundy Junior School's RSE content.........

Please feel free to have a look at the following link:

Parents Guide to Relationships & Sex Education in Primary School ( - this is the RSE curriculum and content that Mundy Junior School Follow (as always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Parents can easily access materials in our dedicated parent's area

Parents will find:

1) Video - and hear age-appropriate "tone of voice" via the Yasmine and Tom introduction video.
2) Interactive lessons - parents can explore lessons, interactions and age-appropriate delivery.
3) Full lesson plan - broken down by age and year group. 
4) Sex education opt-out - on the lesson plan we clearly highlight the sex education lessons that parents can opt their child out of. 
5) Helpful FAQs - we answer the most common parental concerns.
6) “Why?” - parents can read straight-forward, evidenced-based reasons for why high quality RSE / RHSE is important.


Our local Secondary School friends... (in alphabetical order) 

Please click on the links below to find out more about what our local secondary schools have to offer, and further information on any future events and dates for transition.


Here are some weblinks to other sites that you may find useful...

St Lawrence’s Church, Heanor – our Church


Corfield CE Infant School – our main feeder infant school


Eco-Schools – the home of the Eco-School organisation


Department for Education


OFSTED – the Office for Standards in Education