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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14


As a PTA we are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission. Our PTA Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, these are a legal requirement of our charity status.

 We also have a host of regular volunteers who support our fundraising events programme which consists of  parents, teachers, support staff  and the Head Teacher.

We have run Beetle Drives, Christmas and Summer Raffles, Bingo Nights, Sponsored Walk, Quiz Night, Discos. We also help at school organised events such as The Glorious Garden Day and fundraising for National Charities such as MacMillan Cancer. The children are always our main focus.


Our PTA is very much at the heart of our school community. Our Children, Parents, Head Teacher, Teachers, Staff and School Governors are very complimentary about our activities and the role we play in strengthening the school community.


A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Mundy C of E Junior School PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Money raised is usually spent on things that the school budget does not cover.


We have:

  • Fund healthy tuck for all children.
  • Contributed towards the Christmas Cinema Trip.
  • Bought Year 6 CPG practice books.
  • Contributed towards Christmas parties
  • Purchased a new sound system for the Hall.
  • Contributed towards this years school trips.


We would love you to come along and be part of this supportive team.


We are always on the look out for new ways to help support our wonderful school and of course new victims …. mmm sorry volunteers!


Parentkind have lots of useful ideas for fundraising.


If you would like to contact us please email: or contact the school office.


We look forward to planning more exciting events as soon as we can.


Why not help us fun raise while you shop online. Use our portal and we get a percentage from the retailers. Have a look: Easyfundraising.



Stay Safe.




Friday 7th March - New event

Thursday 13th March - Meeting 3.45pm

Thursday 20th March - Spring Disco @ 5.30pm - 7pm

Friday 23rd  May - Sponsored Walk

Saturday 14th June - Horticultural Show 12pm - 4pm

Thursday 10th July - Tranisition Disco @ 5.30pm - 7pm


(Some events/meetings may change)