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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

School Clubs

We have been invited to join 'Grow Outside' a local organisation for encouraging children to Grow and Sow, at Infinite Wellbeing this Saturday 1st June, between 9.30am-1.30pm.  They are helping Infinite to establish a 'Community Growing Space' at the front of the Infinite building (where all the community can help to tend and harvest the 'fruits of their labours'!). Mrs Hollingsworth and Mrs Littlewood (and when she can get away from the Community Fair Mrs Moncrieff!) will be helping during the morning session. Please feel free to come and join in the fun and to be part of this wonderful community project. It would be helpful if you could message us to say if you are able to come (or not) so we have a guide on numbers attending😀 to find out more: 


The children enjoyed the first part of their two day humanities experience. Thank you to all those who have helped support this opportunity by sending in £3.50 towards the cost (this does mean we can look to put future events on for the children). We do ask that if you haven't done so yet but would like to make your contribution these are the bank details (you can pay on card at the office too) Mundy C of E Junior School, Sort Code: 30:90:90, Account number: 42424068

Our Mundy Junior School Clubs


Breakfast Club

UPDATE - we need to inform you that our Breakfast Club is full throughout the week (if you have already booked  with the school office then your child has secured a place). We will let you know when there are any vacancies. Please see the office if you need any further information or assistance.

We provide a FREE Breakfast Club - Monday to Friday starting at 7.30am until the school day begins.  We ask that parents use our Weduc system to book their child onto their selected days. 



  • Provides a valuable service to children and parents
  • Ensures Children are well fed and ready to learn for the day ahead
  • Fosters healthy eating habits and social dining experiences
  • Develops social skills/Independence around mealtimes
  • Provides a safe/fun environment & a calm space for children to regulate their emotions
  • Gives children a chance to try a variety of healthy foods



  • Staffed by adults who are familiar to the children
  • Takes place within the school setting
  • Fully funded by school for all children 



  • Children function better in terms of behaviour/being able to concentrate
  • Peace of mind for parents knowing children are being cared for in an already familiar environment
  • Supporting families in a climate of busy work/school balance and rising costs of living 
  • Helps foster a positive relationship between parents and school




After School Clubs


Why do we run a variety of After School Clubs?

Answer - ...because our children love them! :)  Below is an example of the rationale behind our clubs we run straight after school until 4.30pm. 

Art Club


Basket Ball


Book Club 






Make Do and Mend


Homework Club


ECO Club


Year 6 SAT Club


Cookery Club