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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

St Lawrence Church

For information about our Church, please visit the St. Lawrences Church website. 

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Here at Mundy Junior School we learn about Christianity and other faiths and their importance in our daily lives.


The school’s historic foundation as a Church of England School (Voluntary Controlled) makes it unique amongst Junior Schools in Heanor. We are aware that this heritage brings with it the responsibility to foster an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and to promote Christian values through the experience offered to all our pupils. We welcome children of all faiths and none, but we value our ongoing links with the church.


Reverend Lisa Shemilt is the minister at St Lawrence’s Church, which we visit throughout the year for worship and we also find out more about the history of the church building. We welcome speakers from other churches and Christian organisations into school to lead our Collective Worship.


Collective Worship is a time when the whole school meet together and share and build on the school’s Christian principles and distinctive Christian character. The core values include faith, love, trust, forgiveness, goodness and friendship. We incorporate and link these with our whole school ‘Bee Statements.’


Collective worship is a time for us to develop our spiritual awareness whilst developing a sense of awe and wonder. It is a time to worship God and examine our Christian beliefs. The children are shown how to lead a Christian life. In Collective worship we welcome visitors, pray, listen to stories, sing, share our thoughts, feelings and celebrate.


We hold Collective Worship in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday with our Celebration Collective Worship taking place first thing on Friday morning. Each day prayer is an important part of school life. We have a prayer before lunch and during our worship times as well as a final prayer just before the children leave at the end of the day.


If you would like to learn more about our local church click here. or to listen to weekly sermons from Revered Shemilt look on the church’s Facebook page.


The Year 3/4 classes worked together to create their version of the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in the sky.

You are fantastic!

Reveal yourself to us.

Show us how to be brave and humble.

Make Earth more like Heaven.

Give us what we need to carry on.

Help us when we’re wrong and make mistakes.

Help us to be friendly to others and not to be mean.

You rule our hearts.

You’re amazing and powerful and always there!

