Our Vision
Our Vision for Personal, Social and Health Education at Mundy C of E Junior School.
"I don't like to speak in front of people, so the fact that I can still contribute and have my ideas shared with the class is great" - Year 5 Student (MJS 2022)
"The teachers give me respect" - Year 4 Student (MJS 2022)
The aims of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) at Mundy C of E Junior School are to:
• Give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible British citizens.
• Enable students to understand and respect our common humanity: its diversity and its differences so that they can go on to form, the effective fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
• Enable students to develop an understanding of safeguarding as they will learn about their own identity, risks, decision-making and how to keep themselves safe.
• Teaches them to recognise their own value, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning.
• Enables them to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially tackling many of the spiritual, moral social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
At Mundy C of E Junior School, we are committed to ensuring that the basic rights, as explained in the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) are met and incorporated into all aspects of school life.
At Mundy C of E Junior School, we recognise the individual needs of our children. Through our education and our ethos, we will adopt a culture which embodies our school ‘Be Statements’. This is an ethos that will exist every day in school and not just on specific themed days. In line with government guidance, our curriculum needs to reflect this and focus on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships and health education.
PSHE at Mundy C of E Junior School is delivered through the use of the PSHE Matters Scheme. There are 12 over-arching concepts explored throughout the key-stage curriculum, each area will be covered once in year 3/4 and once in year 5/6. The 12 over-arching concepts are taught within three ‘Core Themes’; Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These lessons allow children time for, debate, discussions, questioning, role play, hot seating, stories etc.
At the beginning of the lesson the MyLO is shared with the class; including their 3 aims for the lesson and any key vocab that may be used within the lesson. Teachers will provide clear and detailed explanations, in order for children to fully understand and participate whole heartedly within the lesson. Throughout the lesson, tasks may be adapted or differentiated in order to support and/or challenge all pupils. Lessons may solely be discussion based or tasks may be set which allows children to work independently, in small groups or as a 1:1 with and adult. Where necessary a range of resources will be available e.g., videos, images, age-appropriate published texts, discussions scenario cards and in some cases, feminine hygiene products.
Throughout the lesson questions are asked in order to assess individual children’s needs and address any misconceptions. Class discussions and tailored questioning allows children to progress throughout the lesson. At the end of each lesson children will take part in a self-assessment, providing an opportunity for the teacher to gain an insight into who may need further support.
We aim to ‘live’ what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community through: • Collective Worships.
• Our praise and reward system.
• Relationships child to child, adult to child and adult to adult across the school.
• Marking significant country-wide celebrations such as Black History Month, Children’s Mental Health Week, LGBT+ History Month and many others.
• Our School Parliament.
• Our School Buddies.
• Our Eco-Cats • Whole School Events.
• Fundraising Events.
Throughout the teaching of PSHE we aim to enable children to meet the standards of attainments across the school and those that are expected of our children nationally. Children will each make progress relative to their own individual starting point. The implementation and impact of the PSHE curriculum is assessed across school to ensure that children are provided with the best possible chance at succeeding. We strive to ensure that by the end of key stage 2, each child will:
• Recognise and apply the British Values
• Be able to recognise, understand and manage their own emotions
• Understand who they can rely on and ask for support. • Look after their own mental health and ask for support where necessary.
• Be on their way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
• Recognise differences and have an understanding of diversity.
• Apply learnt skills in real life situations
• Demonstrate self-confidence and self-esteem.
• Have developed and maintained healthy relationships with peers and adults.
• Understand the physical aspects involved in the teaching of RSE at the level appropriate to them as an individual.
• Show respect to themselves and others.