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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Welcome to Elm Class Year 3/4

Excellent Elm


Our teaching team is: Mrs Eyre, Miss Lyon & Miss Beardsley.


If you need any help or assistance please get in touch with your class teacher or school office.


We are looking forward to working hard with you all and also having some fun, creating lots of super memories with each and every one of you.



A few things to remember:

  • Please bring a named water bottle to school each day.
  • We enter, from 8.40am, and exit, at 3.30pm, through the main entrance.
  • If your child requires an inhaler please ensure that they have it in school.
  • Please check all your clothes are labelled, especially coats and jumpers!
  • Please remember our school uniform policy


Please note the following days for your child to come to school ready in their PE kit. Hair should be tied back and removes earrings before school. If it is their swimming day, could children please come in their PE kit and bring their Swimming Kit to change into. (no costumes under clothes):




               Home learning will include:

  • Spellings: which will be tested through the week. (Click below to find your spelling booklets)
  • Reading: when an adult has listened to you read, please record this in your reading log. All reading can be recorded not just your school reading book.
  • Times tables: Times tables will be taught in school and should also be practiced at home. Remember you can use the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) website to practice. Website: Times Tables Rock Stars (



Remember to regularly visit our school library, and enjoy the wide variety of books it has on offer. 

Pick a reading book to read in school and at home.


Have you tried the Mundy Reading Challenge yet? Ask in the school Library for more information.


We will be choosing a NEW class reading book for this term - so please give your book suggestions to Mrs Eyre.

If you would like to know more about how to help your child at home, please use the links below to take you to helpful pages on our website:)

Below are our topic subjects for 2024 - 2025.


Our Topic this term is:

The Mighty Maya

Exploring the Mayan civilisation and how it compares to British History. Examining writing, art, architecture and astronomy.


Our book study is Rain Player by David Wisniewski.



This Autumn term, the children in Elm Class will be learning about the Mayans as part of their new topic.  We will be sequencing in History historical periods of time on a timeline from the “Mighty Mayans” to present day.  We are going to become “Historians” by finding out how they lived, the food they ate, Gods they worshipped and clothes they wore long ago in 2000 BC. Fun activities are planned such as making Maya Masks and 3D headdresses in Art using collage materials, watching a celebratory Mayan dance in Music, sculpting Maya art with clay and constructing a Mayan temple in Design Technology.


In English, Elm Class will be reading information books about how chocolate was made and learn how to play a “Pok-a-Tok” game. We will also be reading the “Rain Player” story and writing character profiles about a boy called Pic and describing his Rainforest home.


In Science, we will learn about how our body works, focusing on teeth, healthy eating and our digestive system. We will be carrying out an investigation to find out the effects of different drinks on our teeth and how important it is to clean our teeth every day.


 In Maths, our focus will be on Place Value, number bonds to 10, 20, 50 and 100 as well as learning different methods to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers. Your child will also be learning their times tables, working hard to “beat” a superhero and win a certificate! It is important that they learn their multiplication facts both in and out of order quickly and accurately – a skill you can help them with at home. Please also listen to your child read and practise their spellings with them each night – it is lovely to watch them receive their rewards in Celebration Collective Worship every Friday.


In Music, the children will be learning Harvest songs to sing in our Harvest Festival performance at St Lawrence's Church in October. We hope you will be able to join in with some of the songs - thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you there. In Computing, the class will be learning about staying safe on the Internet and exploring different websites using the laptops in school. Elm Class are also having the opportunity to learn French – different greetings, saying their name and describing themselves to others. It will be a busy but fun half term!


We are looking forward to an amazing term ahead.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have in the meantime.



Below are some link to websites that you may find useful, please let us know what you think of them.



Children - remember if you need anyone to talk to - at anytime you can find help here on your 'Children's Safeguarding Page' (click below) :)  You are never alone, you are part of the Mundy CE Junior school family :)