Welcome to Oak Class Year 5/6

Outstanding Oak
Our Teaching Team is: Mr Sharp, Mrs Bradley & Mrs Littlewood.
We are really excited about 2025! Our whole team have been working hard with you all; working hard but also having some fun. We have been creating lots of super memories with each and every one of you.
If you need any help or assistance please get in touch with your class teacher or school office.
A few things to remember:
- Please bring a named water bottle to school each day.
- We enter, from 8.40am, and exit, at 3.30pm, through the main entrance.
- If your child requires an inhaler please ensure that they have it in school.
- Please check all your clothes are labelled, especially coats and jumpers!
- Please remember our school uniform policy.
Please note that your child's PE day is on a Monday, they will need to come to school ready in their PE kit. Hair should be tied back and removes earrings before school. If it is their swimming day, could children please come in their PE kit and bring their Swimming Kit to change into (no costumes under clothes):
Our Home Learning:
Your current 'set' of 5 spelling words from your 'Super Spelling' booklet, which will be tested through the week.
When an adult has listened to you read, please record this in your reading record. All reading can be recorded not just your school reading book. Remember you can also use Active Learn to read e-Books. Website: ActiveLearn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk)
Times Tables:
Times tables will be taught in school and should also be practiced at home. Remember you can use the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) website to practice. Website: Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)
Mirodo is our online portal for English and Maths. Every 2 weeks, more resources will be brought onto it which include small videos. Mirodo must be accessed through a PC. https://app.mirodoeducation.com/login
If you would like to know more about how to help your child at home, please use the links below to take you to helpful pages on our website:)
Curriculum 2024 - 2025
Time Travellers
We will be exploring books on time travel such as the Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess. Exploring the tectonic plates and how our Earth has changed over millions of years.
Our book this half term is:
The Time Machine by H.G Wells
Remember to regularly visit our school library, and enjoy the wide variety of books it has on offer.
Pick a reading book to read in school and at home.
Have you tried the Mundy Reading Challenge yet? Ask in the school Library for more information.
This half term our class reader is .
We are looking forward to an amazing term ahead. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have in the meantime.
Below are some link to websites that you may find useful, please let us know what you think of them.