Our Community Gardens

How the gardens were created.
Garden News
We have implemented a successful project so far and we have a number of ideas for future initiatives:
We presently have a bid in with UK Coal for accessible beds for members with a disability and a soil toilet.
We were successful with our bid and have 6 raised beds for wheelchair users and a great co composting toilet.
We are planning to hold a horticultural show.
2018 will be our 5th show
We are inviting our local authority to support us in a project for Heanor in Bloom.
We are also looking to create extra general plots for leasing.
We are planning to plant a Community Orchard.
June 2022
We held a Glorious Garden Day, inviting the children and their families to have a look around and have a go at the activities.
Further information:
Please contact Miss Dot Adair, Mrs Leonie George or Mrs Nicola Moncrieff at the School Office or email info@mundy.derbyshire.sch.uk if you require any further assistance or if we can be of any help.