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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Year 6

WELCOME to the YEAR 6 webpage

Keep an eye on this page to be the first to find out about year 6 events and information smiley

'Thank You' to all the Parents/Carers (& Year 6's) that attended our Year 6 Information Evening on Wednesday 15th January (& sorry about the test!)


We discussed the details about this year's 'Year 6 Trip' to White Hall and some important SATs information. Please look at the documents below to find out more...

Government publications: 


Want to know what you can do to help yourself this year?

...and to get ready for Year 7...



Mirodo helps you to revise, practise & test your Maths, Grammar, Spelling and Reading Comprehension skills


Mirodo is our online home learning resource. Login to complete the Home Learning TASKS set by your teachers. Some of the tasks have videos to revise the topic.


You can build your knowledge about any Maths or English topics in the 'Practice' or 'Lesson' areas of the website, most come with an instructional video to help you learn.


Remember, if you complete your tasks = coins and gems to spend on your avatar!


There is also a 'Mindfulness' area too, helping you to learn some useful techniques to relax.  


Practise your timestable skills on TT Rock Stars. Can you beat your *PB* (Personal Best)?!!


Have FUN!- Read your library of e-Books on Activelearn.


Other Useful Websites



Spelling Words & Spelling Rules


We will be using the year 3 & 4 and year 5 & 6 statutory spelling words at school in our writing.

To practise at home, have a look at the following lists and some useful cards to help you learn the spelling rules. During the last few years, the SATs spelling test words have been chosen using the 'spelling rules' and only a few of the statutory words... SO PRACTISING THE SPELLING RULES IS IMPORTANT!

Can you remember what all the GRAMMAR terms are? If not, look at these glossaries to remind yourself!

Essential Maths Fluency Resources