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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Year 6

WELCOMto the YEAR 6 webpage


Keep an eye on this page to be the first to find out about year 6 events and information smiley 


Year 6 Graduation … Be Proud!

Graduation Disco

Graduation is fast approaching for our Year Sixes as they prepare for their journey on to secondary school. The Year 6 group have their own Graduation Disco on Monday 22nd July from 6 to 8pm. The Year 6’s will enjoy some nibbles, if you would like to donate some food/snacks/treats, we would be most grateful for any donations you are able to give. If you wish to contribute, please could you send these in to school with your child on the morning of the disco. All donations are gratefully received. Please can we remind you that mobile phones will also not be allowed. Also, a reminder that all children must be collected at the end of the disco at 8pm by an adult. We do hope they enjoy their celebrations 😊

Graduation Ceremony

The Graduation Ceremony will take place on Tuesday 23rd July at 2pm for all Year 6 children. This will take place at the front of school and once the ceremony has finished all Year 6 Graduates will then leave for their journey into Year 7 and beyond, they will leave with you from the ceremony. This event will take place outdoors. Just a reminder that all children need to be in their school uniform for the graduation. Please can we ask parents that you only take photos of your own child, and can we politely request that you do not film the ceremony, this is due to strict GDPR restrictions which keep all our children safe. There will be an opportunity during the graduation for you to take pictures of your child. Also please be mindful of your social media presence and our responsibilities as role models to our children.

Happy Graduation all and thank you to you as Year 6 Parents and Carers for all your support and encouragement over your time with us, we know this will be an exciting but emotional day for us all. Be Proud and Be Happy!


Dates for your Diary … Be Prepared!

Please find dates below that you may find useful.

Summer Term 2


Tuesday 2nd July

Sports Day for Year 5/6 – starts at 9.30am

Wednesday 3rd July

Sports Day for Year 3/4 – starts at 9.30am

Wednesday 3rd July

New Parents Evening – 5.30pm

Thursday 4th July

Y3 , 4 and 5 Trip to Crich Tramway Museum

Friday 5th July

Whole School transition day

(Year 6 children not on transition to Heanor Gate Spencer Academy still attend)

Wednesday 3rd July , Thursday 4th July ,Friday 5th July

Year 6 Transition dates to HGSA

Thursday 11th July

Transition Disco for Y3,4 and 5 (and our new Year 2 (soon to be Y3 friends)

5.30pm to 7pm

Monday 22nd July

Year 6 Graduation Disco – 6 to 8pm (NOTE - this will be outside and may be on the field)

Tuesday 23rd July

Year 6 Graduation Ceremony for all – 2pm

Tuesday 23rd July

Last day for all

Whitehall reminder........

Just a reminder for Whitehall this  Monday, we are leaving at 8.30am prompt (please be at school for 8.15am) and returning for 5.30pm approximately. Children must have a change of clothing and footwear. Uniform is not required, but a water-proof coat, tracksuit bottoms and tee-shirt tops, trainers plus fleece equivalents are essential. Also please only put your child in clothing that will not hurt if it gets damaged as they are going to be doing a lot of exploring and outdoor activities. Please ensure they have their water bottle with them and a snack. 




Dear Parents/Guardians of Year 6,


On Monday the 10th June and Tuesday the 11th June we will be heading on an adventure to White Hall Outdoor Education Centre (please see the following link for more details is an opportunity for your child to experience the fun and thrills and exciting opportunities such as: stream walks, canoeing , rock scrambling , zip wire and ropes courses to name a few. The total cost for the two days is £75 (this cost has been kindly subsidised by the PTA) our usual financial discretionary support applies – please contact the office for more detail. This cost includes all catering, activities, and transport. It will be possible to pay in instalments, but we do ask for the full amount to be paid by Friday 7th June. Bank Details: Mundy C of E Junior School, Sort Code: 30:90:90, Account number: 42424068. You can also pay by card. please see Mrs. George or Mrs Knighton for details. As we are not staying overnight, we do not need to hold a parents’ information evening, but There is a supplementary leaflet you should have received through WeDuc. If you have not received this or need further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We will send out the final details nearer the time. Yours Sincerely The Mundy CE Junior School Team

Supporting your child with the Year 6 SATs

On behalf of the Year 6 children, we want to thank you for all your support in their home-learning and for supporting them with their SATs  during the week beginning Monday 13th May.


You may not be aware, but the Year 6 children still have their SATs Writing Portfolio to complete during June. So any support helping them with their spellings and handwriting would be very useful!


Want to know what you can do to help yourself this year?

...and to get ready for Year 7?

Just take a look at our helpful ideas and webpages (click on the images and weblinks to take you to the webpages):


Mirodo helps you to revise, practise & test your Maths, Grammar, Spelling and Reading Comprehension skills


Mirodo is our online home learning resource. Login to complete the Home Learning TASKS set by your teachers. Some of the tasks have videos to revise the topic.


You can build your knowledge about any Maths or English topics in the 'Practice' or 'Lesson' areas of the website, most come with an instructional video to help you learn.


Remember, if you complete your tasks = coins and gems to spend on your avatar!


There is also a 'Mindfulness' area too, helping you to learn some useful techniques to relax.  


Practise your timestable skills on TT Rock Stars. Can you beat your *PB* (Personal Best)?!!


Have FUN!- Play maths games & practise your skills! Read your library of e-Books on Activelearn.


Other Useful Websites

Spelling Words & Spelling Rules


We have been practising the year 5 & 6 spelling words at school.

To practise at home, have a look at the following list and some useful cards to help learn the spelling rules.

Can you remember what all the GRAMMAR terms are? If not, look at these glossaries to remind yourself!