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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Welcome to Sycamore Class Year 5 & 6



Superb Sycamore


Our class team is: Miss Lavery, Mrs White, Mrs Hollingsworth and Mrs Warne.


Our whole team are looking forward to working with you all this year. We will work hard but also have some fun and create lots of super memories with each and every one of you.


If you need any help or assistance please get in touch with your class teacher or school office.


A few things to remember:


Any child requiring an inhaler needs to have it in school every day.


  • We enter, from 8.40-9.00am, through the main entrance, and exit at 3.30pm, through the green gate at side of the classrooms.
  • Please bring a named water bottle to school each day.
  • If you have a sports afterschool club, wear your school uniform and bring your PE kit in a bag so that you can get changed after school.
  • Please check all your clothes are labelled, especially coats and jumpers!
  • During the colder months, please remember to wear a coat or waterproof.
  • Please remember our school uniform policy





Sycamore will be doing PE on Wednesdays.

Children are to come to school in their PE kit. Hair should be tied back and earrings removed before school.


If it is their swimming day, could children please come in their PE kit and bring their Swimming Kit to change into (no costumes under clothes).


Our Home Learning:



Your current 'set' of 5 spelling words from your 'Super Spelling' booklet, which will be tested through the week.



Each time an adult listens to you read, please record this on your Booklog Bookmark (and tick your home learning sheet) - these will add up towards achieving your 'Rainbow Reading Certificates' -  ALL reading can be recorded not just your school reading book.

WHY DON'T YOU... Check out all the eBooks on the Activelearn website and visit your Home page = books = games = rewards = building YOUR Tree House plus lots of fun Maths games too!

Website: ActiveLearn: Login (


Times Tables:

Times tables will be taught in school and should also be practiced at home. Remember you can use the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) website to practice.

Website: Times Tables Rock Stars (



You will be allocated a range of Mirodo tasks that you can access via your Mirodo Home page.

These Mirodo activities can be used as a 'PRE Teach' to familiarise yourself with the topic before you learn about it in class; or as a 'POST Teach' to revise the topic after learning about it in class.

Website: Mirodo Pupil Dashboard (


Remember to make a note of each Mirodo activity that you complete on your Home Learning Leaflet.


NOTE: If you would like to send any extra Home Learning in by email (e.g. 'working out' or 'practise') please send it to:


Click below to find your spelling booklet (ONLINE) and more information about home learning - reading, spellings and times tables.

Our Curriculum:


Our topic this term is: We are all born free


We will be finding out about Human Rights, exploring life for a refugee and learning how people like Emeline Pankhurst & Nelson Mandela made their mark in history.


We will be reading 'The boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Rauf in our English lessons this term.


Remember to regularly visit our school library, and enjoy the wide variety of books it has on offer. Pick a reading book to read in school and at home.


Have you tried the Mundy Reading Challenge yet? Ask one of our class librarians for more information.




We will be choosing different class reading books throughout the year - please feel free to give your book suggestions to Miss Lavery or Mrs White.smiley



What to learn more? Want something different to do at home?                                                                  

Why don't you have a look at some of these websites that you may find useful and fun (click on the links below), and please let us know what you think of them.



We are looking forward to an amazing term ahead.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Children - remember if you need anyone to talk to - at anytime you can find help here on your 'Children's Safeguarding Page' (click below) :)  You are never alone, you are part of the Mundy CE Junior school family :)