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Mundy CofE Junior School home page

Mundy C of E VC Junior School

‘Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do’
1 Corinthians 16:14

Please click here to find out more about what an Eco-cat is and what they do :)

What is Eco Schools?


Eco-Schools is a global programme engaging 19.5 million children across 67 countries, making it the largest educational programme on the planet.


For nearly 25 years Eco-Schools has been empowering children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness through the simple Seven-Step framework in order to achieve the international Eco-Schools Green Flag award.


Eco-Schools develops pupils’ skills, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and creates financial savings for schools as well as a whole host of other benefits.


EcoFriendlyKids is all about kids and their environment. Containing a wealth of information, tips, quizzes and fun games for children, this site is ideal for parents who want to share in their kids’ adventures as they start to explore the natural world, and to guide them towards a more in-depth understanding of ecological issues as they grow older.












We have been an ECO school since 2008.


At Mundy Junior’s we have an open door policy. You are always welcome to look round our school grounds; we, ECO C.A.T.s would gladly give you a tour and show you our sustainable school.


As an Eco school we get to do lots of interesting things. We measure our energy and look at ways to improve the schools sustainability and efficiency and help to reduce the schools carbon footprint.

We look at the school environment as well as our local and global communities by –


  • How what we are learning fits into local & international issues.
  • Making links with our community other pupils, parents, and teachers. TAs, governors and local businesses.
  • Improve the grounds around school, playground, gardens, resources to help play and the curriculum, increasing biodiversity and making sure that areas are litter free.
  • Raising awareness of reducing the amount resources consumed and considering investing in greener products wherever possible.
  • Offering everyone the opportunity to: work in saving resources in a small way, leading projects, join in debate, and consider the lives of other children in other areas of the world and how we can all make a difference.


January 2018:


We are looking at our Travel Plan, improving our playground and more for us to recycle this month.

Travel Plan: As part of the plan we will be sending out a questionnaire for children and parents to fill in.

Playground: The children have been looking through playground equipment catalogues and have cut out all there favourite ones. We will be getting a rep in to talk to the C.A.T.s about the equipment.


Recycling: We already recycle pens, ink cartridges, glasses, stamps, mobile phones and batteries in school however we joined a new brigade which is recycling sweet biscuit wrappers. We will be send out a leaflet with everything we collect in school. The money raised from this buys our seeds and soil for the coming year.


September 2019


Start of a new year and we have our new C.A.T.s. Our first meeting will be on Friday 27th and they are already brimming with ideas!


The C.A.T.s are full of ‘beans’ and have been very proactive in school. They have completed an audit and we have looked at an action plan.       


We are also looking forward to a trip to the market at Bakewell, going and visiting the Weleda gardens in around May.


April 2020


It’s been a strange year. We managed to get our trip to Bakewell Cattle Market, counted the birds in the school grounds, posted 10 packages of stamps to RNIB, sold preloved uniform to raise money for Marine Conservation Society  and we had started work on our entry for RHS Chatsworth. Now that has all changed and school is very quiet.


September 2021


Back into school and we have started looking for our ECO C.A,T,s for this year.


July 2022


We would like to share the good news with you.

We have achieved our 8th Green Flag with Distinction! Thanks to the hard work of our wonderful Children's Action Team.


September 2022

We decided to let the CATs have a second year as they didn't come to post until quite late. We've had some move on to different schools. But so many volunteers!


October 2022

We have built a bird hide in the wildlife gardening using recycled pallets and wood and the help of one of our cleaners and her handy husband!


June 2023

Our CATs had a great day hosting the Glorious Garden Day, lots of activities and showing off our community gardens.


July 2023

We were awarded our 9th Green Flag.

Some quotes from the confirming email:

'We love that your pupils have taken their great work beyond the school gates and into their local area with a superb community litter-pick and seasonal planting in your local Market Place.'

'We love the range of activities that you and your Eco-Committee planned for delivery. '

'I hope you and your Eco-Committee take great pride in your achievements.'


September 2023

Back in school and C.A.T.s get to work!


October - November 2023

Great job of keeping playground clear of leaves from our 600+ trees. All used to compost wild life area.


May 2024

Year 5's clear wildlife area ready for use. Rebuilt Hedgehog Wigwam, Insect hotel, litter picked, cut willow and branches back. Laid some bark paths.


June 2024

First Horticultural Show in 4 years. Great success, started planning for next year!!


July 2024

We have been awardwed our 10th Green Flag!

Some quotes from the confirming email:

'It's wonderful that you have appointed such a representative Eco-Committee, this shows your school’s excellent commitment to both the programme and the eco-cause.'

'We loved reading about how you had incorporated learning about global issues not only into the Geography and Science Curriculum (most common ones) in your school, but also into other areas such as English, Art and D&T. '



Our ECO C.A.T.s (Children's Action Team) for 2023-2024:

Willow Class - Isabella & Oliver

Sycamore Class - Carter 

Oak Class - Ellie Rose & Shaun

Elm Class - Cameron & Tilly

Beech Class - Carys

Ash Class - Daphne & Scarlett

Minutes 23-24